Use this method if you are a large school and/or your registration classes are being mixed as they move up.
If you are a smaller school and the classes are not being mixed up, please see our Transition Method step-by-step instructions instead.
Please use the below step-by-step instructions (or download and print out) and/or watch this 'HOW TO REFRESH YOUR DATA' VIDEO.
If you have any questions or find the process is taking more than 15-20 minutes, please contact the us on 0345 200 8600 or
Step-by-Step Instructions: Bulk Data Method
Step 1: Identify any pupils set up using a fake/temporary UPN (or SEEMiS reference) and update them.
IMPORTANT - If you or a member of the Admin team have created a created a fake/temporary UPN (some schools do this for Nursery children or if they are still waiting for a UPN to be released) these MUST BE manually updated to their real UPN. If this is not done prior to your data being refreshed, these children will be removed and re-added to MarvellousMe meaning their parents will need to link to a new join code. Their MarvellousMe history would be lost.
- Go into the Data Export section, download and review the Pupils file.
- If any child was added to MarvellousMe with a fake UPN (this should be easy to identify), you must change it to the correct UPN.
- Access our Help Centre article explaining how to Edit a pupil’s account.
Step 2: Download your New Year Data file.
- Go to the Bulk Data / New Year Update section and select Update your school data for the new school year.
Step 3: Save the downloaded data file to your desktop, or other folder.
- Resize the column widths so that you can see the column headers properly.
IMPORTANT - Do not change the column headers.
Step 4: Add and delete staff on the datafile.
- Add new staff - Type the name and email address for any new staff members into columns A and B. Once the file is uploaded, a ‘Teacher’ account will automatically be created for them.
- Delete staff from the datafile if they have now left your school.
Edit staff member’s name and/or email address in the Teachers and Pupils section.
- Access our Help Centre article explaining How to Edit a teacher's account.
- If you simply change their details on the datafile, a new Teacher account will be created for them and their historical MarvellousMe data cannot be reported.
Step 5: Collate the pupil data from your MIS for all the children you want to be active in MarvellousMe this year.
Run a report from your MIS (e.g. SIMS, Arbor, SEEMiS) and export it into Excel as follows:
- Column A = First and last names of the pupils*.
- Column B = Their UPN/SEEMiS reference.
- Column C = Their Reg Group.
If your MIS reports the pupils’ names in a different format, please use our Name Configurator to reformat them correctly for MarvellousMe.
Reminder: If you are still waiting to receive the UPNs for the new cohorts (e.g. Nursery, Reception, Year 3 or Year 7) please complete the data refresh for all other pupils now. The new pupils can be added as a group at a later date using the following guidance: Adding EYFS/Year 3/Year 7 classes for the new school year
- Sort your report by Reg Group, either in the MIS system or in your output file.
- Copy and paste all the details into columns C, D and E of your saved New School Year data file.
- Save your file, keeping it as a .csv file type.
Step 6: Assign the main teacher for each class (Column F).
- Copy the email address of just the main class teacher, in column B, and paste it into column F next to the name of their appropriate Reg. group.
- Click and drag to copy this down the list until the end of the group.
- You can assign additional staff (the second teacher in a job share, school leaders etc) to the same group as part of the Final Actions once the data file has been uploaded.
Step 7: Checklist
- Have you listed all the staff you want to use MarvellousMe?
- Have you included all the children you want to be active in MarvellousMe this year?
- Have you shown each child’s first and last name correctly, both together in column C?
- Does each child have a UPN/SEEMiS reference? If not, they will not be added to MarvellousMe and you will need to do this manually at a later time.
- Have your sorted the data by Reg. Group?
- Have you added only one staff email address in column F? Additional staff will be assigned to the group at a later time.
- Have you left the column headers unchanged?
Once you have completed the checklist, please save your file. Again, keep it in the .csv file format.
Step 8: Upload your completed data file into your Admin system.
IMPORTANT - When uploaded, the data file will instantly overwrite your current setup
To upload the file:
- Return to the Bulk Data / New Year Update section.
- Select Upload Data File.
- Select your saved csv data file.
- Wait until you see the below screen, then select Continue.
Step 9: The system will display the below screen whilst it pulls through your data.
- Important - You must then return to review the data and complete the upload.
Step 10: Review your Teachers’ and Pupils’ details.
- In this review section you should see all the staff and pupils you want on your MarvellousMe account this academic year.
- Check: Are the majority of pupils Updating? Only the new pupils/teachers should be Adding.
- Tip: You can tap the column headers to sort the data and change the number of entries visible.
- If you are unsure about anything, tap Start Again and check your data file, or contact us for help.
- If everything looks correct, tap Review Groups.
Step 11: Review your Group details.
- You should see all the groups/classes you want in your MarvellousMe account this academic year.
- Check the correct staff email address is shown for each group.
- Remember, if you need to assign other staff to the same group, you can do this after the data is uploaded.
- If you are unsure about anything, tap Start Again and check your data file, or contact us for help.
- If everything looks correct, tap Review Group Members.
Step 12: Review your Group Members (the children in each group).
- You should see all the children and their respective groups.
- Spot check the groups to make sure the correct pupils are showing.
- If you are unsure about anything, tap Start Again and check your data file, or contact us for help.
- If everything looks correct, tap Review Errors.
Step 13: Check for any errors.
- If you are unsure about anything, tap Start Again and check your data file, or contact us for help.
- If everything looks correct, tap Final Validation.
Step 14: Check the final summary of how many staff, children and groups will be active in MarvellousMe after this upload.
- Please check and go back through the review stages if necessary.
- If you are unsure about anything, tap Start Again and check your data file, or contact us for help.
- If everything looks correct, tap Finish Upload. This cannot be undone so only do it when you want your new data to become active.
Step 15: You will see the below pop-up screen confirming that you have completed the data review.
The upload will now be processed behind the scenes. You can move away from this page or log out however you must not make any further changes to staff, children or groups in the Admin system until the processing has finished. If you do, they will be overwritten by this upload.
Please also do not upload a data file again.
This final processing stage normally takes about 30 minutes, but at peak times it can be over an hour, so please be patient and check back regularly.
You will also receive an email notifying you when the upload is complete. This email will be sent to the email address used to log in to your Admin account. You may find this goes into your junk mail inbox.
Once your data has pulled through to your account, please click here to complete a few important Final Admin Actions to conclude your data refresh.