Follow these instructions if
You have added a child to your reporting filters (e.g. School Houses, Pupil Premium/FSM, SEN) but they are not yet linked to a registration class OR
You have been advised that some pupils in your account are not currently linked to a registration group.
NB - If you added a pupil either by uploading a .csv file into their registration class in the Group Management section, or by selecting 'Add pupil' in the Teachers and Pupils section, the below will not apply as the child will already be linked to their registration class.
- Go to Teachers and Pupils.
- Type the child's name into the search box.
- Select Edit.
- Select the Groups tab.
- Select the appropriate Registration class for the child.
- Select Save Changes.
You will now be able to view/print out the child's join code letter and the child will be visible in their teacher's account.