Stay updated on ongoing incidents by following this page.
23.8.24Â 14:30 - Issues opening messages in MarvellousMe Parent app - RESOLVED
We are pleased to report that the issue reported yesterday, where some parents are unable to open messages when they are logged into the MarvellousMe parent app is now resolved.
Thank you for your patience while we were working to resolve this issue.
22.8.24Â 09:49 - Issues opening messages in MarvellousMe Parent appÂ
We have been made aware of some reports that parents are unable to open messages when they are logged into the MarvellousMe parent app.
We have raised this issue with our development team and will provide an update here as we receive further information.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may be causing and thank you for your patience while we look into this matter.
28th May 2024 10:12 - MarvellousMe Parent app unavailable in App Store (Apple devices only) - NOW RESOLVED
Our development team believe that they have identified the cause of this issue and put a fix in place.Â
The MarvellousMe app is now available to download in the App Store on Apple devices.
Thank you for your patience while we have been working to resolve this issue.
13th May 09:20- MarvellousMe Parent app unavailable in App Store (Apple devices only)
We have been made aware that the MarvellousMe parent app is not showing as available to download on the App Store for any customers using an Apple device.
This means that any parents using an Apple device who are attempting to download the app for the first time, or those who have deleted the app and are looking to re-download it are unable to do so. Parents using an Android device are unaffected and can download the app from Google Play store.Â
This is with our development team for investigation. We will keep this page up to date and post here as soon as he issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while this is being investigated.
2nd May 2024 10:49 - issues logging in on MarvellousMe parent app and admin site now resolved
Our development team believe that they have identified the cause of this issue and put a fix in place.Â
All users should now be able to log in to the MarvellousMe Admin site and parent app.
We appreciate your patience while we have been working to restore this service.
                                                                          RESOLVED Â
1st May 2024 16:45 - issues logging in to MarvellousMe admin and parent app - RESOLVED
We have been made aware of some functionality issues being experienced by multiple customers at the moment. These include:
- Being unable to log in to the system as either an admin user or a parent.Â
- Requesting password reset emails but not receiving them
This has been raised with our development team and they are reviewing this as a high priority incident.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience while the team are working to fix this.
Please do keep an eye on this page for further information. We will keep this page up to date and post here as soon as the issue is resolved.Â
18th April 2024 09:00 - issues opening messages on MarvellousMe parent app now resolved
The issues that some parents have been experiencing, where they have been unable to open messages sent to them in the MarvellousMe Parent App have now been resolved.
All users should now be able to open messages in the app.
We appreciate your patience while we have been working to restore this service.
                                                                          RESOLVED       Â
18th April 2024 09:00 - issues sending messages from MarvellousMe admin and teacher app now resolved
The issues that some schools have been experiencing with not being able to send messages (particularly if they have attachments)1, are now resolved.
Thank you for your patience while we have been working to remedy this problem.
16th April 2024 16:30 - Multiple system issues - part resolved.
Admin issues resolved. Parent App issues persisting for some users.
Thank you for your patience while we have been experiencing some issues with MarvellousMe.Â
We have been experiencing the following issues with the MarvellousMe system recently:
- Being unable to log in to the system as either an admin user or a parent.
- Requesting password reset emails but not receiving them
- Slow, poor loading speed
- Unable to send messages
- Unable to open messages received in the parent app
Our development team have been working hard to identify the cause of these problems and to identify a resolution.Â
We are pleased to be able to report that any issues experienced logging in to the MarvellousMe Admin System, with the system being slow/unresponsive and with sending messages should now be resolved.
If you are still experiencing any of these problems, please try clearing your browser history and then logging in to MarvellousMe again. If the issue does persist after this then please do not hesitate to contact us and we will follow up straight away.
Unfortunately, we are still experiencing some challenges with parents being unable to access the app or read messages. Please note however, this is only affecting some parent users, not all. Most users will have no issues.
For issues with the MarvellousMe parent app, in most cases, this can be resolved by taking the following steps:Â
- Close the MarvellousMe parent app/site
- Restart the device you are using to access the app/site
- Uninstall and reinstall the app
If you have taken all three of these steps but still cannot open/read messages or request a password reset for the parent app, please contact us on and provide the following information:
- What device are you using to access the parent app/parent site
- What operating system (iOS or Android software version) are you using
- What happens when you try and open a message on the app/site
We do hope the steps outlined above resolve the ongoing issue that some parent users of the MarvellousMe app are having.
We appreciate how important it is for parents to keep up to date with MarvellousMe messages about their child and we will work to get this sorted as soon as we can, upon receipt of this additional information, where any issues persist after a re-start/reinstall.
15th April 2024 10:30 - Multiple system issues
We have been made aware of some functionality issues being experienced by multiple customers at the moment. These include:
- Being unable to log in to the system as either an admin user or a parent.Â
- Requesting password reset emails but not receiving them
- Slow loading speeds
- Unable to send messages
- Unable to open messages received in the parent app
This has been raised with our development team and they are reviewing this as a high priority incident.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience while the team are working to fix this.
Please do keep an eye on this page for further information. We will keep this page up to date and post here as soon as the issue is resolved.Â
12th April 2024 17:00 - Unable to access MarvellousMe - issue has re-occured - RESOLVED
Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.
Our development team have now confirmed that the problem has been resolved and all users should be able to log in to MarvellousMe.
12th April 2024 13:00 - Unable to access MarvellousMe - issue has re-occured
We are aware that some customers are currently unable to log in to their MarvellousMe account.
When trying to access, parents and school users are receiving an error message that could say:Â
'You have been logged out for good safeguarding'
'Sorry for the delay, please try again in a few moments when your internet is back to normal'
Alternatively, the app may just fail to load.
Our development team are aware of this issue and looking into the cause of this.
We hope to have service restored as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.
11th April 2024 17:00 - Unable to access MarvellousMe - RESOLVED
The issue that some users were experiencing when trying to log in to MarvellousMe has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we have been looking into this issueÂ
11th April 2024 15:55 - Unable to access MarvellousMe
We are aware that some customers are currently unable to log in to their MarvellousMe account.
When trying to access, parents and school users are receiving an error message that could say:Â
'You have been logged out for good safeguarding'
'Sorry for the delay, please try again in a few moments when your internet is back to normal'
Alternatively, the app may just fail to load.
Our development team are aware of this issue and looking into the cause of this.
We hope to have service restored as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.
12th January 2024 12:00 -Parents receiving notifications when no new message has been sent or an old message has been re-sent - RESOLVED
We had received some reports of push notifications being received by MarvellousMe parents but, when they log in, there is no message there to view. For some customers, parents are receiving a MarvellousMe notification and, when they log in, the message they have received is an old/out of date one.
We are pleased to report that we have identified the cause of this issue and it has been addressed so that no further incorrect notifications should be sent.
10th January 2024 14:30 -Parents receiving notifications when no new message has been sentÂ
We had received some reports of push notifications being received by MarvellousMe parents but, when they log in, there is no message there to view.Â
We have made our development team aware of this issue and we will post here as soon as there are any updates.
11th December 2023 09:30 - App notifications for Android users - RESOLVED
We had received some reports of push notifications not being received by MarvellousMe users. This appeared to only be affecting Android customers who have recently updated their Android software version.Â
Our development team have completed their investigation into this matter and concluded that there is no global error. Test messages have been sent and successfully received on the latest Android software.
However, if an android user has recently updated their software version, they may need to re-enable notifications for the MarvellousMe app. This can be done in their phone settings.
4th December 2023 09:30 - App notifications for Android users
We have received some reports of push notifications not being received by MarvellousMe users. This appears to only be affecting Android customers who have recently updated their Android software version. Our development team are actively investigating this issue.
Updates will be provided on this page, as soon as possible.
7th November 2023 17:30 - Issues accessing MarvellousMe for all users - RESOLVED
The intermittent issue with access to MarvelllousMe has been resolved.
All users should now be able to load and log-in to the MarvellousMe site.
Thank you for your patience while we were working to restore the service.
6th November 2023 13:30 - Issues accessing MarvellousMe for all users
We have been made aware that there is an intermittent issue with accessing MarvellousMe. This applies to teachers, admins and parents who are trying to log in.
In some cases, the page will not load, in others, an error message will be seen that says 'please try again in a few moments when your internet is back to normal/the system is not so busy'.
For parents trying to log in, they may see an error that says 'You have been logged out for good safeguarding' but they are then unable to access the site when they attempt to log back in.
Some customers are attempting log in and being told that their log in information is incorrect - if they request a new password, this does not arrive.
Our development team are working on this as a high priority. We apologise sincerely for the inconvenience this is causing and we will update on these pages as soon as the issue has been resolved.
26th October 2023 09:01 - Memory Book Images Not Loading - Resolved
We are pleased to be able to report that the issue with memory book images not loading has now been resolved. Images should now be displaying, as normal, in memory books.
                                                                           RESOLVED            Â
24th October 2023 09:30 - Memory Book Images Not Loading - Ongoing
We are aware of a problem in Memory Books where Images are displayed as a Blue box with a ? in. This is being actively worked on and we expect a resolution later this week Â
26th September 2023 11:44 - App Notifications - Resolved
We have been actively investigating this issue, which involves followers not receiving pop-up notifications as expected. Some followers may experience delayed pop-ups, while others may not receive them at all. However, it's essential to note that all messages are still being delivered to the Inbox.
In light of this, We encourage you to inform parents, if applicable, to kindly check the Inbox to ensure they haven't missed any important updates.
13th October 2023 11:00 - Update
We are pleased to inform you that our dedicated technical team has identified the root cause of this issue. They are working diligently to resolve it and have made significant progress in finding a solution. We anticipate that the issue will be fully resolved next week, and you can expect the App Notifications to function as expected once again. Â
17th October 2023 10:00 - Update
We have further isolated this problem to Apple devices and the team are still working hard to resolve this. Email notifications should be arriving for all parents that have them activated.
18th October 2023 17:00 - Update
We can confirm IOS devices will be receiving push notifications again.
15th September 2023 13:30 - Weekly snapshot and notification emails - Resolved
We are currently investigating an issue whereby users are not receiving the weekly Snapshot Email  The team have identified the issue and is working to resolve this, but in the interim it is possible to get this data by access this report in the system for help with this please see How to view full details of MarvellousMes sent by any staffÂ