The Parent and Teacher Engagement report provides an overall insight into how your school is using MarvellousMe including stats relating to your parent take-up, the proportions of the different types of post being shared and a breakdown of usage by class/group, teacher, pupil, year group or other reporting filters for any time period.
Whilst this report can be accessed at any time through the Admin portal, the same information can be sent to specific staff members as a Weekly Snapshot Email.
- Go into Insights and Impact.
- Select Parent and Teacher Engagement as the Report Type.
- Select the relevant option from the View By dropdown list.
- To view School Badges for each House, select Filters. You will need to already have the Houses set up as reporting filters. See How to set up Houses as reporting filters.
- Select the relevant Time Period.
- Data matching your filters will be displayed including:
- Parent take-up (aim for a minimum of 85%)
- Split of MarvellousMe posts (Activities, Badges and Messages)
- A breakdown of MarvellousMe usage by class/group. Select Output to .CSV (Based on Filters) if you wish to view/arrange this data in a spreadsheet.